Last Updated: 20th February 2023
In October last year, Octopus Energy launched a new reward scheme – Octoplus. In short, it is a new rewards programme that is designed to incentivise and reward smart energy usage among smart meter customers.
In this review, we’ll explain more about what Octoplus is, how you earn points, how you redeem and spend points and importantly how you can sign up for it.
What is Octoplus from Octopus Energy?
As mentioned above, this is a new loyalty scheme from Octopus Energy. Octoplus centres around the concept of earning ‘Octopoints’, a type of reward point that customers accumulate through different activities. More on that below.
You will need an electricity smart meter to be able to participate, which can be installed for free if you don’t already have one.
Is Octoplus any good?
In short, yes Octoplus is definitely a good thing and is certainly worth it. It is free to join and even if you don’t partake in any of the Savings Sessions, you can still redeem some of the rewards (mentioned below) for free.
As far as we can see, as long as you are eligible, there is no reason to not join Octoplus.
How do you earn Octoplus points?
The primary way to earn Octopoints is by participating in Octopus Energy’s ‘Saving Sessions’, events aimed at curbing electricity consumption during times of peak energy demand.
By taking part in these saving sessions, if you can use less electricity when the grid is running using less green energy than usual, then you get paid back in Octoplus points. Octopus say you can normally earn between 800-1,000 points per session you take part in.
There will also be ‘Free Electricity sessions‘ where any electricity usage costs from time periods when the grid is using the greenest energy, will be credited back to your accounts as Octoplus points.
For both of these ‘sessions’, you will receive a notification through the Octopus App with details of when and how to take part.
Additionally, you can earn Octopoints by spinning the Octopus’ Wheel of Fortune every time you submit a meter reading, refer a friend to Octopus Energy, or for solar referrals.
What is the value of Octopoints?
Octopoints are not just numbers; they hold real value.
For every 800 Octopoint you have, you can convert these into £1 of credit for your account.
You can use or quick Octopoints calculator below to work out how much your Octopoints are worth:
How do you redeem your points?
Redeeming your Octopoints is easy. You can now redeem your points for Octoplus rewards or for credit on your account to pay your bills.
To convert your points to credit, you need to do the following:
When you are in the Octoplus section of the app, simply scroll to the bottom of your Octopoints history and click ‘View all’:
Once you click this, the top of the screen will show your points, and how much they are worth and give you an option to redeem them for credit. Just click ‘Redeem’ and that amount will be added to your account balance instantly.
If you’d rather use your points for something more fun, like Octoplus rewards, then read the next section.
What Octoplus rewards are available?
Arguably the best Octoplus reward currently available is a free regular hot drink at Greggs! This can be redeemed once a week and doesn’t even cost you any Octopoints.
The other Octoplus rewards you can currently redeem your Octopoints for are:
A National Trust day out for two. This allows you to redeem 6,000 Octopoints (£7.50 worth) for 2 tickets to most National Trust properties in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (not all properties are available, so check before redeeming this). The latest list of included and excluded properties can be found in the app, but the latest version at the time of writing can be found here.
A National Trust Scotland day out for two. Similar to above, for 6,000 Octopoints (£7.50 worth) you can get two tickets to a National Trust Scotland property. All properties appear to be included in Scotland, although some require pre-booking.
A 2 for £10 offer at ODEON cinemas. This one does not require you to use any Octopoints, you simply need to activate the offer. Once activated you can get two standard seat tickets at an ODEON between Monday to Friday for £10. This offer can be used every week. There are quite a few Terms and Conditions for this, so please check these before redeeming.
How do I sign up for Octoplus?
To be eligible for Octoplus, customers must receive electricity from Octopus Energy (any smart tariff), have an operational electric smart meter (or smart prepayment meter), and pay via Direct Debit.
Both business customers and smart prepayment customers can also join Octoplus.
Octopus will need to be receiving half-hourly readings from you and they must have 80% of your readings for the last 20 days for you to be eligible for their ‘saving sessions’.
Eligible customers can easily sign up via the banner in their online accounts or through the app.
With a host of earning and redeeming opportunities, Octoplus is poised to add a fun, rewarding dimension to managing energy consumption. The scheme not only promotes energy-saving practices but also offers tangible rewards, making it hopefully a win-win for both Octopus Energy and its customers.
If you are not already a customer of Octopus Energy, you can read our Octopus Energy review or join them and get £50 using our referral link here. If you’d like more information, we also have a guide on using a referral code.
Do I need an OCTOPUS ENERGY app and an OCTOPLUS app?
Hi Christine, you just need the Octopus Energy app and you can access Octoplus through there. You can also just do it through the Octopus website if you’d prefer to not download an app.