Boost Power Review

Boost Power Review Summary

7Expert Score
Boost Power

Boost Power started off as part of OVO Energy and split off in 2017 to concentrate on the pre-payment energy market. The company are still part of the OVO Energy group and are based in Temple Quay, Bristol.

  • Smart pre-prepayment
  • BSL helpline
  • £30 emergency credit available
  • Not very environmentally friendly
  • Not the cheapest energy supplier
  • Unreliable app

Who are Boost Power

Boost Power started off as part of OVO Energy and split off in 2017 to concentrate on the pre-payment energy market. The company are still part of the OVO Energy group and are based in Temple Quay, Bristol.

When Boost Power was launched it had 190,000 customers and the company has since grown their customer base to over 350,000 customers.

What tariffs do Boost Power offer?

Boost Power only offer one tariff. This is a variable rate tariff. Economy 7 is available for customers who use a lot of their electricity overnight.

There is no minimum contract period so you can leave whenever you like without having to pay an exit fee.

Boost Power do not offer electric vehicle tariffs. There isn’t a specific tariff for renewable energy, either, although Boost Power offer the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). The SEG replaced ‘feed-in’ tariffs in March 2019.

The price charged is the same regardless of whether or not you are using a smart meter.

How do Boost Power compare on price?

Boost Power aren’t the cheapest energy supplier available, but that’s not surprising because the company supply the pre-payment market where energy prices tend to be more expensive.

The company are competitive compared to other pre-payment energy suppliers’ pricing.

What do other Boost Power reviews say?

Overall, Boost Power don’t score well. Citizens Advice gives them all overall rating of just 2.75 stars out of five, with 29.6 complaints per 10,000 customers. Which? puts them in joint 20th place out of 35 energy suppliers with three stars out of five.

In general, customers are happy with Boost Power’s customer service and how they handle complaints. However, their customers don’t think that Boost Power offers value for money and their app, in particular, comes in for heavy criticism as many users are finding that it is unreliable.

How green is Boost Power’s energy?

Boost Power’s energy supply isn’t as green as some other energy suppliers.

The company claims that 50% of their electricity comes from renewable sources. But when its gas is taken into account it is a slightly different story. 39.2% of Boost Power’s energy comes from renewable sources, with the remaining 60.8% coming from gas. Boost Power’s CO2 emissions are 212 g/kWh.

However, Boost Power do offer the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). This replaced ‘feed-in’ tariffs in March 2019 and enables Boost Power customers to feed any renewable energy that they have generated but don’t need back into the grid.

What is Boost Power’s customer service like?

Despite claiming “no machines, just real people at the end of the phone” on their website home page, Boost Power don’t make it easy to find their phone number on their website. And in fact, Citizens Advice only scores Boost Power two stars out of five for its call answering time of three minutes and 44 seconds. Which? had to wait even longer before its call to Boost Power was answered – 17 minutes and 33 seconds,

Boost Power don’t list their email address on their website or provide a Live Chat facility either, preferring instead to use an online contact form or social media for direct contact. However, there is an online forum where customers can interact with other customers and Boost Power staff, as well as a reasonable FAQ section at their website.

Once nice feature that Boost Power offer is SignVideo. This allows customers who are hard of hearing to speak to Boost Power via a British Sign Language interpreter.

What is Boost Power’s website/app like?

Boost Power’s website is visually appealing, but it is not easy to find information on it. There is an online contact form, but the lack of a Live Chat facility means that unless someone in the forum has already asked the same question you want to ask, you cannot get an instant answer.

The website does, however, allow you to top up your account if you are using a smart meter, meaning that you don’t need to go to a PayPoint outlet to top up. You can also manage your account and view your transaction history.

There is a Boost Power app that works with both Android and iOS devices. This provides you with the same functionality, but again, it only works if you have a smart meter. Disappointingly the Android version only scores 2.5 stars out of five and the iOS version only scores 2.3 stars out of five, with many users complaining that the app doesn’t work properly.

What billing options are available?

Because Boost Power is a pre-payment only supplier, you have to pay for your energy before you use it, although Boost Power do give you a generous emergency credit of £30 if you cannot afford to top up your account when you run out of energy.

If you are using a smart meter you can top up your account online. Otherwise you need to top up your account at a PayPoint.

Boost Power offer a Winter Wallet which lets people save up credit to use in the more expensive winter months if they want to. No interest is paid but people using the Winter Wallet are entered into a monthly prize draw.

Do Boost Power offer smart meters?

Boost Power will provide a smart meter to customers if they are able to use them.

You can switch to Boost Power if you already have a smart meter, but depending on the model of your smart meter it may not be compatible with Boost Power’s system. If that’s the case, the smart meter will still work as a meter but you will not be able to use its smart functionality.

Do Boost Power offer a recommend a friend referral scheme?

Boost Power offer a referral scheme. If an existing Boost Power customer introduces someone to Boost Power, they get £25 and the new customer also gets £25.

This money comes in the form of Asda, Argos, Just Eat, Love2Shop, Sports Direct, Tesco or vouchers.

Below are a few quick questions you may need answers to along with our Boost Power review:

Do they work with pre-payment meters?

Boost Power only offer pre-payment meters. The company offer smart pre-payment meters as well as conventional pre-payment meters.

Do they accept Economy 7?

Yes, Boost Power offer an Economy 7 tariff.

Are they signed up to the Warm Home Discount?

Yes, Boost Power are signed up to the Warm Home Discount scheme.

Are they signed up to the Energy Switch Guarantee?

Boost Power are not signed up to the Energy Switch Guarantee but 98.5% of switches are completed within 21 days.

Do they mention about the Priority Services Register?

Boost Power operate a Priority Services Register.

Do they offer a ‘Dual Fuel’ discount?

Boost Power do not offer a ‘Dual Fuel’ discount.

Will they offer to pay a customer’s exit fees when they join them?

Boost Power will not pay your exit fees when you switch to them if you are leaving your previous energy supplier before the end of your contract.

What happens if you move home whilst with them?

If you are a Boost Power customer and you move home you will need to call the company to have your account cancelled.

If you want to continue using Boost Power in your new home, you would need to call Boost Power to either have the existing Boost Power account transferred into your name or to get a new Boost Power account set up.

Do they offer any incentives for joining?

Boost Power will supply a smart meter to new customers, and if a new customer signs up via a referral link they get a £25 voucher to spend at Asda, Argos, Just Eat, Love2Shop, Sports Direct, Tesco or

How to contact Boost Power

Address: 1 Rivergate, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6ED

You can contact Boost Power customer service by calling: 0330 102 7517

You can email them through:

Opening hours:

Monday – Friday 8am – 6:00pm. Saturday 9am – 1pm. Closed on all Bank holidays.




Switch to Boost Power

The easiest way to switch to Boost Power is through a comparison website. This will allow you to check if Boost Power is one of the cheapest suppliers for you (tariffs vary based on your area) and will allow you to quickly and easily switch to them.


Hi, I'm Rob and I run I initially started this project 5 years ago when I was looking to switch energy suppliers and found there wasn't a website that provided simple, data backed reviews on all the suppliers available. Since then, I spent have a lot of time (too much some may say!) looking at all publicly available data about each supplier and writing reviews using this information. These reviews are updated as regularly as possible and any data is backed up by a source where necessary. I have also started writing guides on various energy related topics which hopefully you will find useful. If you find any issues, please use our contact form to let us know.

  1. Impossible to get my government energy support money from boost I keep phoning everyday on hold for nearly a hour then when I ask for my voucher they put the phone down on me

  2. Reply Avatar of susan barbara moore
    Susan barbara Moore March 12, 2021 at 11:40 pm

    Not good the change has made them a lot for older people if they have to going to shops if run out why have they given at least two offers Fill up by swiping whilst in shop as i think leaving people having to do by phone many dont have them .I if i have to use using those log on i wont be able to carry on with them .The item where you swipe the till is far by the best

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