Tulo Energy Review (2024)

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Tulo Energy is one of the newest suppliers in the UK. As such, there isn’t too much information available at the moment. In this Tulo Energy review, we will cover everything we know about them so far to help you decide if they are the best supplier for you.

Tulo Energy has been around since July 2023 and is based in Malvern. They are one of the newest and smallest suppliers in the market, but they are still regulated by Ofgem.

There is very little information available about who actually owns or runs the company. They do, however, list the three company values as being “Simpler, Cheaper, Better”.

  • Simple in the sense that they have the same energy tariffs for everyone.
  • Cheaper in that they have cheaper tariffs and pass any savings they make on to customers
  • Better in that they put their customers first

There isn’t any current information available on how many customers Tulo Energy have.

Tulo Energy does keep it simple when it comes to tariffs, with just one tariff available. This is available to both new and existing customers.

This tariff is called Tulo Vari-One and as the name suggests is a variable tariff. This means that the price can change at any time, unlike a fixed tariff when prices are fixed for the duration of your contract. In the case of Tulo Vari-One, prices can change with 10 days notice.

There are no exit fees with this tariff, so if prices do increase or you want to switch suppliers for any other reason, then you can do so at no extra cost.

Unlike with some tariffs from other suppliers, a smart meter is not required for this tariff.

Tulo Energy is currently one of the cheapest energy suppliers in the UK as of May 2024. When we compare tariffs, we see that they have consistently been in the top 5 across various regions.

For example, a 3-bedroom house with typical electricity usage (2,900 kWh) would pay £806 per year or £67 per month.

The same property with typical gas usage (12,500 kWh per year) would pay £835 per year or £70 per month.

These are the unit rates and standing charges for both gas and electricity as of May 2024. This is for the East Midlands region.

Energy TypeStanding ChargeUnit Rate

If you know your usage, you can use our handy electricity bill calculator to find out how much it will cost you based on that usage.

When it comes to Tulo Energy reviews from existing customers, there currently is very little to go on. The reviews that they do have, however, are very positive.

They have a score of 4.6 out 5 on Trustpilot from over 60 reviews, with 81% of reviewers giving them a 5 star review. Tulo’s reviews highlight customer satisfaction with the company’s straightforward and stress-free service, with specific comments on the ease of adjusting payment amounts.

On Google, there are only two reviews, but both of these are five stars.

According to Tulo Energy’s fuel Mix for the latest period, only 12% of the energy they supply comes from renewables. The majority comes from natural gas. You can see their fuel mix below:

FuelElectricity supplied by Tulo EnergyAverage for the UK (for comparison)
Natural gas73.5%39.30%
Other fuels5.6%2.6%

There is no data available on Tulo Energy’s customer service from sources like Citizen’s Advice because they are such a new supplier.

An image of the tulo energy website that was used for this tulo energy review

The Tulo Website is modern and very easy to use. You can get a quote in only a few minutes which makes it very simple to sign up to the supplier. You can also manage your account through the website, which lets you pay bills, provide meter readings and see your energy usage.

Tulo also has an app on both the App Store and Google Play store. On the App Store, has a high rating of 4.5 from 8 reviews. On the Google Play Store, however, it only has a score of 1.8. The app has similar function on both platforms, allowing you to submit a meter reading, pay your bills and see your energy usage.

You can find all of Tulo Energy’s details below:

  • Address: Tulo Energy, 71 Graham Road, Malvern, England, WR14 2JS
  • Website:
  • Email address:
  • Opening hours: 9 am to 5 pm – Monday to Friday

Consumer advice experts, like Martin Lewis, generally provide insights and recommendations based on their own analysis and the current market conditions.

We haven’t found any specific recommendations from consumer advocates like Martin Lewis when it comes to Tulo Energy.


Hi, I'm Rob and I run I initially started this project 5 years ago when I was looking to switch energy suppliers and found there wasn't a website that provided simple, data backed reviews on all the suppliers available. Since then, I spent have a lot of time (too much some may say!) looking at all publicly available data about each supplier and writing reviews using this information. These reviews are updated as regularly as possible and any data is backed up by a source where necessary. I have also started writing guides on various energy related topics which hopefully you will find useful. If you find any issues, please use our contact form to let us know.

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