Average Gas & Electricity Prices per kWh (2025)

Last updated: 10th January 2025

Gas & Electricity prices per kWh hour vary across the UK depending on your location.

The UK’s energy market is pretty complicated, with prices going up and down because of different things like where you live, how energy gets to your home, and how much people are willing to sell it for.

For example, some areas might have better access to energy sources or cheaper ways to deliver energy to homes, reducing energy costs. On the other hand, if it’s harder to get energy to a place, it might cost more.

Here, we’ve looked at the average gas and electricity prices per kWh across various locations in the UK.

  • The overall average across the UK for electricity is 24.86p per kWh
  • The average for gas is 6.34p per kWh

Below, you can see these averages broken down by region.

Using data from the January 2025 price cap, below is the average price per kWh across 14 regions in the UK for gas.

The East Midlands has the cheapest average gas price in the country, at 6.19p per kWh, with Southern Western at the top end of the scale, at 6.62p per kWh, which is 7% higher.

RegionUnit rate
January to March 2025
East Midlands6.19 pence per kWh
Northern Scotland6.25 pence per kWh
Southern Scotland6.25 pence per kWh
North West6.26 pence per kWh
Eastern6.26 pence per kWh
South East6.27 pence per kWh
Midlands6.30 pence per kWh
Yorkshire6.31 pence per kWh
North Wales and Mersey6.31 pence per kWh
Northern6.32 pence per kWh
Great Britain average6.34 pence per kWh
London6.41 pence per kWh
Southern6.42 pence per kWh
South Wales6.54 pence per kWh
Southern Western6.62 pence per kWh


You’ll see from the table below the average electricity unit rate (price per kWh) for 14 regions across the UK. These rates were again last updated in January 2025.

The Northern region has the cheapest average electricity price at 23.51p per kWh, with London at the over end of the scale at 26.06p per kWh. That is 11% higher.

RegionUnit rate
January to March 2025
Northern23.51 pence per kWh
Yorkshire23.86 pence per kWh
East Midlands24.12 pence per kWh
Midlands24.19 pence per kWh
Southern Scotland24.31 pence per kWh
Southern Western24.53 pence per kWh
South Wales24.85 pence per kWh
Great Britain average24.86 pence per kWh
Southern24.98 pence per kWh
Northern Scotland25.28 pence per kWh
North West25.36 pence per kWh
Eastern25.57 pence per kWh
South East25.60 pence per kWh
North Wales and Mersey25.76 pence per kWh
London26.06 pence per kWh


Your energy bill is made up of two main parts: your unit rate and your standing charge. Both of these vary by your location.

Your standing charge is a daily rate you pay, no matter how much gas or electricity you use. It is used to help fund government schemes, like the Warm Home Discount and pay for the cost of failed suppliers.

We have a separate article that looks at suppliers with the cheapest standing charges.

What is a kilowatt hour (kwh?)

One kWh equates to 1,000 watts. Every appliance throughout your home is measured in watts. Every energy provider charges per kWh. For example, if you were to leave on a 100-watt lightbulb, it would take 10 hours for it to use 1000 watts or 1 kWh of power.

You can find the wattage of every appliance throughout your home by checking the packaging or label. Watts essentially measures the rate at which energy flows through an electrical item.

Using our energy bill calculator, you can input the above prices per kWh hour alongside your usage to see how much you could pay for your energy if you lived in a different area of the country.

In our latest guide, you can also find the cheapest energy supplier available right now.


Hi, I'm Rob and I run I initially started this project 5 years ago when I was looking to switch energy suppliers and found there wasn't a website that provided simple, data backed reviews on all the suppliers available. Since then, I spent have a lot of time (too much some may say!) looking at all publicly available data about each supplier and writing reviews using this information. These reviews are updated as regularly as possible and any data is backed up by a source where necessary. I have also started writing guides on various energy related topics which hopefully you will find useful. If you find any issues, please use our contact form to let us know.

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